Transformers 4/5 reviewed by Mike
So, we're walking out of the theater, and my friend leans to me and says, "that was the best 80's movie I've ever seen." And he has never been more right.
If you're either too old or too young to have grown up with the Robots in Disguise, let me clue you in to the movie's premise: some kinda magic cube once created a species of giant robots called Autobots, until some of them turned evil, started calling themselves Decepticons, and now they're at war. Turns out this cube thingy is on earth, so guess where the battleground is. Back in the day, this was a great marketing campaign for action figures. Still is.

Anyway, the movie is about giant robots that fight, and it's directed by Michael Bay. If ever there was a movie that Michael Bay should direct, it's this one. Since all of his movies are actually just entries in the "most cars destroyed on screen" section of the Guinness Book, this works nicely. When it comes to craft, this movie is exactly what it should be. Cool cinematography, sweet action, jaw-dropping visuals and fight scenes, car chases galore, plenty of cheesy one-liners, contrived "meaningful relationship" moments, stereotype-driven humor, and the hottest chicks you've ever seen.
Be sure you set your expectations right. This is not a thought-provoking reinterpretation of the relationship of alien species to mankind, or anything like that. This is not Batman Begins for Transformers. This is Bad Boys 2. With giant freaking robots. This is every movie that "Hot Fuzz" and "Team America" made fun of. But with freaking gigantic robots.
Sometimes the robots use break dance moves when they fight.
If that makes you excited or makes you laugh, go see this movie right now.
I don't really need to spend any time analyzing the craft of this movie. It's Michael freaking Bay. It's technically great, and there's lots and lots of bit parts and cameos that are perfect and fun, Bernie Mack being one of my favorites. In fact, this is one of the funnier movies I've seen in a while. Shia Labeouf's comic timing and delivery is nearing genius levels. Megan Fox fills the "hot girl" role perfectly, as she has not too many lines, and is one of the top 10 hottest girls ever. Yes everything is cliche. Yes, the opening narration, mid-movie exposition, and closing narration are among the cheesiest lines ever written. But the entertainment value on this movie is so freaking high. This movie is just so damn COOL!

So, if you wanna see the best 80's action movie (filled with every cliche that entails) you've ever seen, go see this movie right now. If, when you were a small child, you watched shows like Transformers, Ninja Turtles, He-Man, or anything like it, and acted out stuff while you watched, go see it now. If you pride yourself on the collection of action figures you had when you were younger, go see this now.
See This Movie If:
-see above.
-you have no serious expectations for real emotion in this film.
-you know Bad Boys 2 was stupid, but you loved it anyway.
-You still play with action figures, and if you call them dolls, my Optimus Prime punch-action will destroy your face
Don't see this movie if:
-you're expecting a thought-out, deep plot with developed characters.
-you don't like cheesy 80's style action movies.
-Thats it. This one's pretty clear cut.
one of my few complaints is that MuteMath's cover of the old theme song isn't in the movie. check it out at
If you're either too old or too young to have grown up with the Robots in Disguise, let me clue you in to the movie's premise: some kinda magic cube once created a species of giant robots called Autobots, until some of them turned evil, started calling themselves Decepticons, and now they're at war. Turns out this cube thingy is on earth, so guess where the battleground is. Back in the day, this was a great marketing campaign for action figures. Still is.

Anyway, the movie is about giant robots that fight, and it's directed by Michael Bay. If ever there was a movie that Michael Bay should direct, it's this one. Since all of his movies are actually just entries in the "most cars destroyed on screen" section of the Guinness Book, this works nicely. When it comes to craft, this movie is exactly what it should be. Cool cinematography, sweet action, jaw-dropping visuals and fight scenes, car chases galore, plenty of cheesy one-liners, contrived "meaningful relationship" moments, stereotype-driven humor, and the hottest chicks you've ever seen.
Be sure you set your expectations right. This is not a thought-provoking reinterpretation of the relationship of alien species to mankind, or anything like that. This is not Batman Begins for Transformers. This is Bad Boys 2. With giant freaking robots. This is every movie that "Hot Fuzz" and "Team America" made fun of. But with freaking gigantic robots.
Sometimes the robots use break dance moves when they fight.
If that makes you excited or makes you laugh, go see this movie right now.
I don't really need to spend any time analyzing the craft of this movie. It's Michael freaking Bay. It's technically great, and there's lots and lots of bit parts and cameos that are perfect and fun, Bernie Mack being one of my favorites. In fact, this is one of the funnier movies I've seen in a while. Shia Labeouf's comic timing and delivery is nearing genius levels. Megan Fox fills the "hot girl" role perfectly, as she has not too many lines, and is one of the top 10 hottest girls ever. Yes everything is cliche. Yes, the opening narration, mid-movie exposition, and closing narration are among the cheesiest lines ever written. But the entertainment value on this movie is so freaking high. This movie is just so damn COOL!

So, if you wanna see the best 80's action movie (filled with every cliche that entails) you've ever seen, go see this movie right now. If, when you were a small child, you watched shows like Transformers, Ninja Turtles, He-Man, or anything like it, and acted out stuff while you watched, go see it now. If you pride yourself on the collection of action figures you had when you were younger, go see this now.
See This Movie If:
-see above.
-you have no serious expectations for real emotion in this film.
-you know Bad Boys 2 was stupid, but you loved it anyway.
-You still play with action figures, and if you call them dolls, my Optimus Prime punch-action will destroy your face
Don't see this movie if:
-you're expecting a thought-out, deep plot with developed characters.
-you don't like cheesy 80's style action movies.
-Thats it. This one's pretty clear cut.
one of my few complaints is that MuteMath's cover of the old theme song isn't in the movie. check it out at
I'd probably disagree, but not too terribly much with Mike on this one. I think it was, indeed, good fun. I do have to say though that ole Mike Bay bugged me a bit...half of the time you can't see what is going on because of his choice of shots and camera work. I also would state that I was only pleased with Prime's look...everyone else looked sort of dumb to me...or at least they didn't like the Transformers, just pointy, metal, superbots. But all in all, entertaining, I was pleased to have spent the money, and the time. I'd knock it down to a 3/5 but it is still definitely worth seeing...good summer fun.
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