Friday, December 01, 2006

Stranger Than Fiction 3/5 review by Chris

I'd love to hear Stephen King's opinion of this movie. He LOVES this topic. Honestly, I do too, it is intriguing to explore the relationship between creator and creation in ANY realm.

Stranger Than Fiction

-Now in theaters-

IMDB synopsis:
An IRS auditor suddenly finds himself the subject of narration only he can hear: narration that begins to affect his entire life, from his work, to his love-interest, to his death.

Chris's review:
I'll keep this one short because I am at work, AND I am a bit late in posting it. I actually saw this a few weeks ago but haven't gotten around to reviewing until now. Also, there isn't a TON to say about this one. It is a good solid movie. Not great, but good, entertaining, put together fairly well, etc.

One point I will make...this may be Will Ferrell's Truman Show. He breaks free of his comedic shell and actually plays a very likeable, REAL character. The only difference is this movie is not as good as Truman Show and the characters weren't as interesting. Still, I feel Will really proved he can be used in more ways than just the over-the-top comic relief.

Marc Forster does a nice job directing and adds a few elements that visually add to the story, not unlike what he did with Finding Neverland, his last major film. My complaint here though is that the elements used a lot in the beginning of the film, almost like visual representations of the main characters thought proccesses, are not used as much later in the film.

If you were an Arrested Development fan, as you ALL SHOULD BE, you will get a kick out of seeing Tony Hale basically play Buster on the big screen. The 3 females in the film happen to be 3 of only a very few GOOD female actors in Hollywood, and they do not disappoint (those being Maggie Gyllenhall, Emma Thompson, Queen Latifah).

Ok, that is all on this one. I am too long-winded on other reviews so I'll let you off easy this time. This is a good little movie, pick it up as a rental or catch it at the dollar movie, bring a date, go out for some steak afterward and you'll have yourself a good evening.

In the words of the Thing: "'nuff said."

Chris's recommendations:
See this movie if...
-It is a rainy day and you feel like a movie and you've either seen everything else, or nothing else GREAT is out.
-You'd like to see Will Ferrell stretch out a little and play a more rounded (but still funny) character.
-You have a crush on Maggie Gyllenhall.

Don't see this movie if...
-The only Will Ferrell for you is the Will Ferrell of Old School or Anchorman (both genius).
-You haven't seen Prestige, A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, or anything else the Crew has said rocks. If those are there, spend your money on those first. This is not a MUST see.
-You love america. Take that Mike. Just kidding, america rocks!


Blogger Unknown said...


The Thing is probably one of the best horror movies ever made, close with (oddly enough) Stephen King/Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.

I haven't seen this yet. But I'll probably catch it at the dollar theatre.

And agreed on Old School and Anchorman.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah, by the way...

What's the policy on reviewing DVD releases I never caught in the theatres? I just saw The Skeleton Key and Accepted and wouldn't mind writing something about both of them. Especially Accepted, which was surprisingly hilarious.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Ben Riley said...

Go ahead and review them, we'd love to hear it. If something has come out on DVD recently, thats a perfect time to post a review--if it's been out for a while, it may be cool to put the phrase "It's New to Me" in the title, kindof like how we do the "Old Favorites." I'll be doing this for a few films too, I think.

1:50 AM  
Blogger Joe Punchface said...

I agree with Ben (who is that guy?). A "it's new to me" review is totally coolness. Rock, rock on!

7:34 AM  

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