Sunshine 4/5 review by Chris (Joe)
Does it make me gay if I say that I think Cillian Murphy is the most captivating looking human ever? Probably. Oh well, that doesn’t really have much bearing on this review…but alas…

-Limited release-
IMDB synopsis:
A team of astronauts are sent to re-ignite the dying sun 50 years into the future.
Chris’s review:
The super team of Alex Garland (writer), Danny Boyle (director), and Cillian Murphy (star) has done it again. They have somehow done with the Sci-Fi Thriller genre what they did with the Zombie Horror genre. What is that you may ask? Remember 28 Days Later? Masterpiece of the Zombie Horror genre. And why? Because it transcended the constraints of its genre classification and was so much more. That is what Sunshine does in the Sci-Fi Thriller genre.
On top of that accomplishment, let me add that this is one of the most visually stimulating films I have ever seen. I literally sat with my jaw hanging open for 90% of the movie. It is AWESOME looking!
From the start you are along for a ride of epic proportion and you can’t help but buy in. Truth be told, my lovely Taryn doubted my excitement about Sunshine when we first saw the preview. After all, the premise DOES seem rather unbelievable. However, somewhere between the craft of Alex Garland and the vision of Danny Boyle, you suspend any disbelief you may have brought with you and completely lose yourself in the journey.
This ship itself that is transporting our hero team of scientists to the sun is amazing both in function and design. The visuals of the sun itself are stellar. I found myself surprised that Danny was able to do a movie of this scope. It wasn’t necessarily a big huge budget, special effects sci-fi movie, but it was both very futuristic AND very REAL feeling. Not quite what you would expect from the guy that shot the lo/fi brilliance of 28 days.
Another accomplishment that may or may not make sense is the way the characters are presented. In hindsight I think I would say the characters are somewhat simple. That would normally be a very bad thing in my opinion. Yet, the way they interact, and in this setting, the simplicity of the characters mixed with the glimpses of their emotional make up lends itself to you actually caring about them MORE than if they all had deep, well developed back stories. I’m not really sure how that worked out, but I really cared about these people, despite the fact that I knew next to nothing about them. I think that speaks to Alex Garland’s greatness.
Ok, I need to wrap it up. So, to conclude, let me reiterate the point that if you were impressed by 28 Days Later, that wonderful genre bending romp, you will certainly be equally impressed by the accomplishment of that same team in the Sci-Fi genre. Now, my totally lame, quotable critic one liners:
Sunshine really shines!
Sunshine is the kind of sunshine that won’t hurt your eyes to stare at.
The sun has certainly come up over Sunshine.
If you want to cure the rainy day blues all you need is some Sunshine.
Sunshine makes the sun shine in my heart and it makes me happy because it is so bright and shiny and I am getting a good kind of sun burn from staying out in the Sunshine too much and I love it.
Ok, maybe that last one isn’t too quotable…but come on newspapers, syndicate me, I’m so awesome! Look at how I can whip out those generic critic quotes to be printed on movie posters. Score!
Chris’s recommendations:
See this movie if…
-You are a fan of good, well written Sci-Fi that leans on strong characters and story over huge spaceship fire fights. Examples would be Firefly/Serenity, 12 Monkeys, etc.
-You like Cillian Murphy (another great performance), Danny Boyle (this stands shoulder to shoulder with 28 Days Later), or Alex Garland (he may be becoming a better screenwriter than novelist!).
-You want to go to the movies and get lost in an awesome adventure for a few hours. This movie plucks you right out of the theater and heaves you on a journey to the sun.
Don’t see this movie if…
-You are the kind of moviegoer that issues lines like: “oh, yeah right, like that could happen.” and “psssh, sure, that would have totally blown up before they could ever do that.” This movie does ask you to suspend SOME beliefs, but hell, do you REALLY believe in zombies? Come on, that is why movies are movies. Stop ruining it for everyone.
-Sci-Fi just isn’t up your alley. This is a GREAT Sci-Fi movie that transcends the limits of the genre, but I don’t think it is enough to convert a non-believer.
-Loud noises scare you. This movie has some SWEET sound effects and sound editing but it is VERY intense. Be warned!

-Limited release-
IMDB synopsis:
A team of astronauts are sent to re-ignite the dying sun 50 years into the future.
Chris’s review:
The super team of Alex Garland (writer), Danny Boyle (director), and Cillian Murphy (star) has done it again. They have somehow done with the Sci-Fi Thriller genre what they did with the Zombie Horror genre. What is that you may ask? Remember 28 Days Later? Masterpiece of the Zombie Horror genre. And why? Because it transcended the constraints of its genre classification and was so much more. That is what Sunshine does in the Sci-Fi Thriller genre.
On top of that accomplishment, let me add that this is one of the most visually stimulating films I have ever seen. I literally sat with my jaw hanging open for 90% of the movie. It is AWESOME looking!
From the start you are along for a ride of epic proportion and you can’t help but buy in. Truth be told, my lovely Taryn doubted my excitement about Sunshine when we first saw the preview. After all, the premise DOES seem rather unbelievable. However, somewhere between the craft of Alex Garland and the vision of Danny Boyle, you suspend any disbelief you may have brought with you and completely lose yourself in the journey.
This ship itself that is transporting our hero team of scientists to the sun is amazing both in function and design. The visuals of the sun itself are stellar. I found myself surprised that Danny was able to do a movie of this scope. It wasn’t necessarily a big huge budget, special effects sci-fi movie, but it was both very futuristic AND very REAL feeling. Not quite what you would expect from the guy that shot the lo/fi brilliance of 28 days.
Another accomplishment that may or may not make sense is the way the characters are presented. In hindsight I think I would say the characters are somewhat simple. That would normally be a very bad thing in my opinion. Yet, the way they interact, and in this setting, the simplicity of the characters mixed with the glimpses of their emotional make up lends itself to you actually caring about them MORE than if they all had deep, well developed back stories. I’m not really sure how that worked out, but I really cared about these people, despite the fact that I knew next to nothing about them. I think that speaks to Alex Garland’s greatness.
Ok, I need to wrap it up. So, to conclude, let me reiterate the point that if you were impressed by 28 Days Later, that wonderful genre bending romp, you will certainly be equally impressed by the accomplishment of that same team in the Sci-Fi genre. Now, my totally lame, quotable critic one liners:
Sunshine really shines!
Sunshine is the kind of sunshine that won’t hurt your eyes to stare at.
The sun has certainly come up over Sunshine.
If you want to cure the rainy day blues all you need is some Sunshine.
Sunshine makes the sun shine in my heart and it makes me happy because it is so bright and shiny and I am getting a good kind of sun burn from staying out in the Sunshine too much and I love it.
Ok, maybe that last one isn’t too quotable…but come on newspapers, syndicate me, I’m so awesome! Look at how I can whip out those generic critic quotes to be printed on movie posters. Score!
Chris’s recommendations:
See this movie if…
-You are a fan of good, well written Sci-Fi that leans on strong characters and story over huge spaceship fire fights. Examples would be Firefly/Serenity, 12 Monkeys, etc.
-You like Cillian Murphy (another great performance), Danny Boyle (this stands shoulder to shoulder with 28 Days Later), or Alex Garland (he may be becoming a better screenwriter than novelist!).
-You want to go to the movies and get lost in an awesome adventure for a few hours. This movie plucks you right out of the theater and heaves you on a journey to the sun.
Don’t see this movie if…
-You are the kind of moviegoer that issues lines like: “oh, yeah right, like that could happen.” and “psssh, sure, that would have totally blown up before they could ever do that.” This movie does ask you to suspend SOME beliefs, but hell, do you REALLY believe in zombies? Come on, that is why movies are movies. Stop ruining it for everyone.
-Sci-Fi just isn’t up your alley. This is a GREAT Sci-Fi movie that transcends the limits of the genre, but I don’t think it is enough to convert a non-believer.
-Loud noises scare you. This movie has some SWEET sound effects and sound editing but it is VERY intense. Be warned!
I was absolutely blown away by this film. Not only does it rank among one of the most beautiful movies to look at that I have ever seen, the sound effects and editing on the "twist" were just amazing.
I loved each and every minute of it. Glad I can say that I had no doubts that Mr. Boyle, Mr. Garland, and Mr. Murphy (who, I will agree with you, is captivating in a strange sense) would do it again. And I have not been more pleased and satisfied with a release like this since...well, probably since 28 Weeks Later.
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