The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 5/5 review by Chris (Joe)
I don’t really keep up with “Hollywood chatter” as well as a self-proclaimed film critic should, so I don’t know if this movie is generating Oscar buzz, but I DO know that it should be…BOOYA! (Damn I’m cool).
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

-In theaters now-
IMDB synopsis:
Robert Ford, who's idolized Jesse James since childhood, tries hard to join the reforming gang of the Missouri outlaw, but gradually becomes resentful of the bandit leader.
Chris’s review:
I’m sure at some point in the history of this website I have proclaimed my love of Brad Pitt. If not, let me do it here: BRAD PITT IS EXCELLENT! And now, hopefully, he will get the credit he rightly deserves. I have been screaming from the mountain tops since Se7en and 12 Monkeys that Brad is far more than a pretty face and a sculpted body. The man has serious ability and it is on display in this film.
However, as good as Brad is, an up and comer may outshine him. Casey Affleck, yes the younger, more talented brother of Ben, and the very funny, oft-overlooked part of the Oceans team in the Oceans films, is the REAL star of this beautiful film. Casey plays Robert Ford, the young, ambitious, unstable, malicious, plotting, menacing killer of Jesse James. The character has a depth to him that is rarely seen in film and Casey brings it out in an amazing performance.
On top of the great performances this movie also displays amazing craft, which is surprising considering this is writer/director Andrew Dominik’s first major release. From the start you will be taken in by the wonderful visuals. There is a lens that is used throughout the film for establishing, moody kind of shots and its effect is wonderful. The script itself is also very well written, being an adaptation from the successful Ron Hansen novel. If you like Historical Fiction, this is your kind of script.
Now this IS a very long film, clocking in at about 2 hours and 40 minutes, AND it DOES feel long, BUT the length never upset me. Every aspect of the movie is so good that you really don’t it to end. You would allow it to keep going just so you don’t have to leave that world.
In the hope of shortening my reviews I’ll cut this off here, but know that this is a GREAT movie that is the very reason film is still a GREAT medium. Go see it, if for no other reason, than 2 brilliant performers at the height of their games.
Chris’s recommendations:
See this movie if…
-You were a fan of Unforgiven or The Proposition. This is a “western” more in that vein than the vein of shoot ‘em up westerns.
-You enjoy going to a movie and allowing yourself to be swept up in to the world it creates. Classic escapism through entertainment and there isn’t a damned thing wrong with that.
-A good script free of cookie cutter “good” and “bad” characters is something that interests you. You will find yourself feeling for everyone in this movie at one point or another as well as hating them at one point or another. That is a very good thing, trust me.
Don’t see this movie if…
-Going to a 2 hour 40 minute movie greatly cuts in to your time to race your jeep against your frat brother Chaz before you head over to the local bar to do keg stands.
-You expect a western to give you 8 six shooter fights, 3 horse chases, 1 indian scalping, 76 shots of whiskey, 4 guys getting shot for having aces up their sleeves, and the General Lee. If those are your stipulations for a western, you WILL be sorely disappointed. This is more a period piece than your standard western, but even then it doesn’t fit perfectly in to the genre.
-I can’t think of any other clever ones. Just go see it. I think it is good.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

-In theaters now-
IMDB synopsis:
Robert Ford, who's idolized Jesse James since childhood, tries hard to join the reforming gang of the Missouri outlaw, but gradually becomes resentful of the bandit leader.
Chris’s review:
I’m sure at some point in the history of this website I have proclaimed my love of Brad Pitt. If not, let me do it here: BRAD PITT IS EXCELLENT! And now, hopefully, he will get the credit he rightly deserves. I have been screaming from the mountain tops since Se7en and 12 Monkeys that Brad is far more than a pretty face and a sculpted body. The man has serious ability and it is on display in this film.
However, as good as Brad is, an up and comer may outshine him. Casey Affleck, yes the younger, more talented brother of Ben, and the very funny, oft-overlooked part of the Oceans team in the Oceans films, is the REAL star of this beautiful film. Casey plays Robert Ford, the young, ambitious, unstable, malicious, plotting, menacing killer of Jesse James. The character has a depth to him that is rarely seen in film and Casey brings it out in an amazing performance.
On top of the great performances this movie also displays amazing craft, which is surprising considering this is writer/director Andrew Dominik’s first major release. From the start you will be taken in by the wonderful visuals. There is a lens that is used throughout the film for establishing, moody kind of shots and its effect is wonderful. The script itself is also very well written, being an adaptation from the successful Ron Hansen novel. If you like Historical Fiction, this is your kind of script.
Now this IS a very long film, clocking in at about 2 hours and 40 minutes, AND it DOES feel long, BUT the length never upset me. Every aspect of the movie is so good that you really don’t it to end. You would allow it to keep going just so you don’t have to leave that world.
In the hope of shortening my reviews I’ll cut this off here, but know that this is a GREAT movie that is the very reason film is still a GREAT medium. Go see it, if for no other reason, than 2 brilliant performers at the height of their games.
Chris’s recommendations:
See this movie if…
-You were a fan of Unforgiven or The Proposition. This is a “western” more in that vein than the vein of shoot ‘em up westerns.
-You enjoy going to a movie and allowing yourself to be swept up in to the world it creates. Classic escapism through entertainment and there isn’t a damned thing wrong with that.
-A good script free of cookie cutter “good” and “bad” characters is something that interests you. You will find yourself feeling for everyone in this movie at one point or another as well as hating them at one point or another. That is a very good thing, trust me.
Don’t see this movie if…
-Going to a 2 hour 40 minute movie greatly cuts in to your time to race your jeep against your frat brother Chaz before you head over to the local bar to do keg stands.
-You expect a western to give you 8 six shooter fights, 3 horse chases, 1 indian scalping, 76 shots of whiskey, 4 guys getting shot for having aces up their sleeves, and the General Lee. If those are your stipulations for a western, you WILL be sorely disappointed. This is more a period piece than your standard western, but even then it doesn’t fit perfectly in to the genre.
-I can’t think of any other clever ones. Just go see it. I think it is good.
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