Old Favorites (the 5/5s): Donnie Darko by Chris
The time has come. The other kick-ass members of the Crew have given you an “old favorites review.” I will now give you a peek into MY movie brain and tell you why Donnie Darko is my favorite movie of all time! ROCK ME!

Donnie Darko
-Available on DVD (either as the theatrical version or director’s cut)-
IMDB Synopsis:
A troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit a series of crimes, after narrowly escaping a bizarre accident.
Chris’s review:
When I hear a movie has the label of “cult film” I am typically weary. That is not to say that I, myself, am not a fan of certain “cult” movies as is evident by me telling you that Donnie Darko is my favorite film. It does make me sad however that this movie has found a following with the Hot Topic crowd only because I think when movies get tagged with the “cult film” label the general consensus is that it is only popular with a certain group for very particular reasons thus diminishing any REAL value of a film. To limit Donnie Darko in that way would be a crime! This masterpiece (believe me, I do NOT use that word lightly) is so deep and rich that it can and SHOULD appeal to a massive audience as varied as the American movie-going public itself!
Ok, enough blowharding…
First off, a brief history lesson. Donnie Darko flew under the radar for quite sometime (mine included, more on that to come). With a botched release, due, in part to the shortsightedness of a studio that originally tried to market the film as “in the vein of Final Destination,” note that is in quotes…they actually said that…good sweet GOD that is a misfire…and also due to the bad luck of having a release date disablingly close to the tragedy of 9/11, most people have STILL never heard of Donnie. I personally owe my little brother PJ a huge high five for turning me on to it about a year and a half after the failed theatrical release. I DO trust PJ’s movie recommendations but I was quite unsure of this one considering the quote above was on the DVD. They seriously tried to push this movie as a teen thriller! Sigh. Anywho, after finally giving in and watching I was blown away.
SO what is so great about it?
Let us do this in sections:
Every performance is spot on. The cast is a melting pot of TV people, up and comers, has beens, and virtual unknowns. Regardless, each actor gives a wonderful performance and maybe even more impressive, they are given room and time to actually show three dimensional characters…even the supporting and supporting supporting players.
It is hard to key in on any one actor because they are ALL so impressive in this film, but let me draw special attention to a couple.
Mary McDonnell, perhaps most recognizable as the suicidal Indian/white love interest from Dances With Wolves, plays Momma Darko. I am hard pressed to recall a more emotionally striking maternal performance than the one given by Mary. The scene in which Donnie’s psychologist is explaining her analysis with the parents is heartbreaking because of her wonderful and subtle crafting of the mother’s response.
Holmes Osborne as Poppa Darko. Briefly I will call attention to the VERY understated and convincing performance of Holmes as Donnie’s dad. Two scenes jump to mind as examples of his excellence: in the hotel room after the “accident” as he remembers a class mate that died his delivery is brilliant as well as the scene only present in the director’s cut with Donnie and Dad on the back porch talking about his troubles at school. Greatness.
Finally, maybe my favorite performance in the film…Beth Grant as Ms. Farmer. BRILLIANT!!! Beth is SO good at playing the hateful, hypocritical, fake BITCH teacher/Christian that we ALL know that you will find yourself hating her and simultaneously laughing out loud because it is so spot on. “Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.”
Richard Kelly is a master. Surprisingly enough, this is his first “major” release. He started out as a screenplay adaptor. The feel of the film is both nostalgic (being set in 1988) and eerie. A huge nod should also be sent to Richard for his ability to pull such commanding performance from such a wide variety of actors. I’ll keep this section short because I will gush over Richard more soon enough.
Just quickly, I have to mention the great soundtrack to Donnie Darko. It was done by a guy named Michael Andrews and it is KICK ASS. Be warned though, if you buy the actual soundtrack album it is ONLY the score and the Gary Jules cover of Mad World. They could not afford the rights to release a soundtrack with all of the great 80s music in the movie, but it is still an awesome disc.
This is where the movie really wins me over. I don’t know where to begin. Richard Kelly said in one of the commentaries that the Donnie Darko script came out of him having 3 isolated ideas that had to be interconnected. I don’t want to give anything away so I can’t tell you what the 3 ideas were, but needless to say they were VERY isolated and to think that he created such a lush story out of them is staggering.
My intense love of this movie comes from the fact that it is successful on so many levels. On the surface it is a sci-fi time travel story. Further it is a coming of age tale (that’s for you Tea). Also it does a great job with exploring the American family. There are great elements about education, suburbia, religion, psychology, and even self help.
What I am getting at is this, Richard Kelly found a way to fit his views and feelings on a wide array of topics in to an interesting and captivating movie plot. That takes a great deal of talent. How many movies do you see that have great action, maybe even cool plot twists and so forth, but have NO substance? Or, what about the opposite? Movies that are trying to say something, they want to make you think, or feel something meaningful but are just boring. Richard found a way to combine the two in a masterful way.
Ok, I have to stop now. I could go on forever about this movie. Just go buy it. I’ll offer you the same offer I gave to my movie buddy Matt: go buy it, sight-unseen, if you watch it and don’t like it I’ll buy it from you for what you paid for it and give it to someone else. I’m that confident.

Donnie Darko
-Available on DVD (either as the theatrical version or director’s cut)-
IMDB Synopsis:
A troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit a series of crimes, after narrowly escaping a bizarre accident.
Chris’s review:
When I hear a movie has the label of “cult film” I am typically weary. That is not to say that I, myself, am not a fan of certain “cult” movies as is evident by me telling you that Donnie Darko is my favorite film. It does make me sad however that this movie has found a following with the Hot Topic crowd only because I think when movies get tagged with the “cult film” label the general consensus is that it is only popular with a certain group for very particular reasons thus diminishing any REAL value of a film. To limit Donnie Darko in that way would be a crime! This masterpiece (believe me, I do NOT use that word lightly) is so deep and rich that it can and SHOULD appeal to a massive audience as varied as the American movie-going public itself!
Ok, enough blowharding…
First off, a brief history lesson. Donnie Darko flew under the radar for quite sometime (mine included, more on that to come). With a botched release, due, in part to the shortsightedness of a studio that originally tried to market the film as “in the vein of Final Destination,” note that is in quotes…they actually said that…good sweet GOD that is a misfire…and also due to the bad luck of having a release date disablingly close to the tragedy of 9/11, most people have STILL never heard of Donnie. I personally owe my little brother PJ a huge high five for turning me on to it about a year and a half after the failed theatrical release. I DO trust PJ’s movie recommendations but I was quite unsure of this one considering the quote above was on the DVD. They seriously tried to push this movie as a teen thriller! Sigh. Anywho, after finally giving in and watching I was blown away.
SO what is so great about it?
Let us do this in sections:
Every performance is spot on. The cast is a melting pot of TV people, up and comers, has beens, and virtual unknowns. Regardless, each actor gives a wonderful performance and maybe even more impressive, they are given room and time to actually show three dimensional characters…even the supporting and supporting supporting players.
It is hard to key in on any one actor because they are ALL so impressive in this film, but let me draw special attention to a couple.
Mary McDonnell, perhaps most recognizable as the suicidal Indian/white love interest from Dances With Wolves, plays Momma Darko. I am hard pressed to recall a more emotionally striking maternal performance than the one given by Mary. The scene in which Donnie’s psychologist is explaining her analysis with the parents is heartbreaking because of her wonderful and subtle crafting of the mother’s response.
Holmes Osborne as Poppa Darko. Briefly I will call attention to the VERY understated and convincing performance of Holmes as Donnie’s dad. Two scenes jump to mind as examples of his excellence: in the hotel room after the “accident” as he remembers a class mate that died his delivery is brilliant as well as the scene only present in the director’s cut with Donnie and Dad on the back porch talking about his troubles at school. Greatness.
Finally, maybe my favorite performance in the film…Beth Grant as Ms. Farmer. BRILLIANT!!! Beth is SO good at playing the hateful, hypocritical, fake BITCH teacher/Christian that we ALL know that you will find yourself hating her and simultaneously laughing out loud because it is so spot on. “Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.”
Richard Kelly is a master. Surprisingly enough, this is his first “major” release. He started out as a screenplay adaptor. The feel of the film is both nostalgic (being set in 1988) and eerie. A huge nod should also be sent to Richard for his ability to pull such commanding performance from such a wide variety of actors. I’ll keep this section short because I will gush over Richard more soon enough.
Just quickly, I have to mention the great soundtrack to Donnie Darko. It was done by a guy named Michael Andrews and it is KICK ASS. Be warned though, if you buy the actual soundtrack album it is ONLY the score and the Gary Jules cover of Mad World. They could not afford the rights to release a soundtrack with all of the great 80s music in the movie, but it is still an awesome disc.
This is where the movie really wins me over. I don’t know where to begin. Richard Kelly said in one of the commentaries that the Donnie Darko script came out of him having 3 isolated ideas that had to be interconnected. I don’t want to give anything away so I can’t tell you what the 3 ideas were, but needless to say they were VERY isolated and to think that he created such a lush story out of them is staggering.
My intense love of this movie comes from the fact that it is successful on so many levels. On the surface it is a sci-fi time travel story. Further it is a coming of age tale (that’s for you Tea). Also it does a great job with exploring the American family. There are great elements about education, suburbia, religion, psychology, and even self help.
What I am getting at is this, Richard Kelly found a way to fit his views and feelings on a wide array of topics in to an interesting and captivating movie plot. That takes a great deal of talent. How many movies do you see that have great action, maybe even cool plot twists and so forth, but have NO substance? Or, what about the opposite? Movies that are trying to say something, they want to make you think, or feel something meaningful but are just boring. Richard found a way to combine the two in a masterful way.
Ok, I have to stop now. I could go on forever about this movie. Just go buy it. I’ll offer you the same offer I gave to my movie buddy Matt: go buy it, sight-unseen, if you watch it and don’t like it I’ll buy it from you for what you paid for it and give it to someone else. I’m that confident.